2019-04-242019-04-242018-12BATISTA, Walquíria Pereira. Encenação e comunhão na rodovia dos romeiros. Revista Arte da Cena, v. 4, n. 2, jul./dez. 2018. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/artce/article/view/54145/32609>.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17460With this article, we intend to study the presentation of Life, Passion And Death Of Jesus Christ, performed by The Theater Disenchantment Group (Grupo Desencanto de Teatro) at the sacred art panels of the Pilgrims’ Highway – Rodovia dos Romeiros (GO-060). Beforehand, we will discuss the scarcity of academic research about the theater of Goiás, particularly with regard to the groups of the region around Goiânia, highlighting how the theater located there organizes itself starting from its community, as it is the case of the Disenchantment Group. Next, we will propose a reflection about the concept of communitary theater based on some reference theorists on the topic, seeking to understand some of its premises in the play under study, together with the notion of Passion play, a medieval theater genre. After a short presentation of the Theater Disenchantment Group using documentary sources, we will then focus on the sense communion of the presentation of Life, Passion And Death Of Jesus Christ. With this study, we hope to contribute to the production of knowledge about a theater group from Goiás, as important as invisible to the academic environment, including the regional one.porAcesso AbertoTeatroComunhãoRodovia dos romeirosTheaterCommunionPilgrims’ highwayEncenação e comunhão na rodovia dos romeirosPresentation and communior at the pilgrims’ highwayArtigo10.5216/ac.v4i2.54145e- 2358-6060