2021-05-112021-05-112008PREUSS, Elena Ortiz; FINGER, Ingrid. O papel da instrução explícita na interface entre conhecimento explícito e implícito. Nonada, Porto Alegre, v. 11, n. 11, p. 111-128, 2008.2176-9893http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19471This article discusses the role of instruction in the construction of implicit knowledge of aspect in L2 Spanish by Brazilian learners. Subjects were all asked to participate in the pre- and post-test tasks, but only participants belonging to the experimental group received explicit instruction on the use of the Spanish pronoun SE. Results show that the pedagogical intervention conducted contributed significantly to an increase in accuracy rates in both recognition and correct use of the pronoun.porAcesso AbertoInstrução explícitaExplicit instructionConhecimento implícito e explícitoPronome seAspectoExplicit and implicit knowledgePronoun seAaspectO papel da instrução explícita na interface entre conhecimento explícito e implícitoArtigo