2018-12-052018-12-052008-12MARTINS, Raimundo; PEREIRA, Alexandre; VALENÇA, Kelly Bianca Clifford. Um olhar ‘formatado’. Visualidades, Goiânia, v. 6, n. 1/2, jan./dez. 2008. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/VISUAL/article/view/18087/10787>.1679-6748http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16512In contemporary society, visual resources have been potencialyzed by overwhelming images that invade several dimensions of human life influencing behaviors, inducing preferences and simulating desires and expectations. This paper deals with an educational perspective for visual culture which does not include formulation of norms for ways of looking neither aims to generalize ways of seeing and interpreting. We understand that image interpretation and understanding are processes that reflect life and subjectivities’ repertoires. An education for visual culture should privilege the search for de-naturalization of hegemonic models, scribble mirrors of normality and talk, without discrimination, about differences, identities and alterity. Also, it should speak from alternative positions empowered without subjects’ hierarchies and their polyphonic representations and pluralities. This study re-discusses effects of power, ways of seeing and knowledge/ looking regimes as discourses that trespass images and present more democratic temporalities legitimated by those who co-habit in the margins. Finally, this text dialogues with contemporary images trying to dissolve resistances which still expose beliefs in the existence of correct, formal and universal interpretations without questioning “who” establishes the right way of interpreting. We propose an education for visual culture that operates de-constructions and re-constructions in our ways of seeing and dealing with images in contemporary school rooms.porAcesso AbertoCultura visualEducaçãoImagemVisual cultureEducationImagesUm olhar ‘formatado’Artigo10.5216/vis.v6i1ei2.18087