2019-02-122019-02-122011MOTA, João Felipe; RINALDI, Ana Elisa Madalena; PEREIRA, Avany Fernandes; ORSATTI, Fábio Lera; BURINI, Roberto Carlos. Indicadores antropométricos como marcadores de risco para anormalidades metabólicas. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 16, n. 9, p. 3901-3908, 2011.1413-8123http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17051The purpose of this study was to deter- mine which anthropometric indicator has the greatest bearing on the metabolic abnormalities in participants of a Lifestyle Change Program. It consisted of an exploratory, transversal and ana- lytical survey, which assessed the body mass in- dex (BMI), waist circumference (WC), percent- age of body fat (%BF) and of muscle mass (%MM) of 273 adults and elderly subjects (over 40 years of age). Blood samples after an 8-hour diet were obtained to assess total cholesterol, high-density cholesterol, low-density cholesterol, triacylglyc- erol and glucose. Statistical analyses for differen- tiation between the groups and determination of associations were conducted. The level of signifi- cance was set at p<0.05. When the metabolic ab- normalities were assessed as a dependent variable and BMI, WC, %BF, %MM as independent vari- ables, it was seen that WC was the anthropomet- ric indicator that showed the closest association with all metabolic abnormalities (P<0,0001), fol- lowed by %MM. The conclusion reached was that WC rather than BMI was the main marker of anthropometric risk for metabolic abnormalities frequently related to obesity. Given the same WC value, overweight and obese individuals had com- parable health risks to eutrophic individuals.porAcesso AbertoBody compositionBody mass indexObesityWaist circumferenceComposição corporalIndice de massa corporalObesidadeCircunferência da cinturaIndicadores antropométricos como marcadores de risco para anormalidades metabólicasAnthropometric indicators as risk markers for metabolic abnormalitiesArtigo10.1590/S1413-81232011001000026