2024-03-052024-03-052023-08-04SILVA JÚNIOR, Rodrigo Soares da. Estratégias biotecnológicas para melhoria das características sensoriais e nutricionais dos alimentos. 2023. 22 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Farmácia) - Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24466Food biotechnology is a research area that develops improvement activities, as a strategy to increase the stability of the microbiological, nutritional and sensory aspects of food products, which includes the application of various biotechnological methods that aim to avoid changes, whether of enzymatic, physical, microbial or chemical origin, from the origin to the manufacture of the food. These technologies employed, benefit food in nutritional and sensory aspects. This study aims to understand and describe how different strategies can be used effectively and accurately to improve the sensory characteristics of foods, in order to promote a new perspective on it. This is a literature review, focusing on the period from 2013 to 2023, where an electronic search was carried out in the Google Scholar and Scielo databases to identify relevant studies and scientific articles. Through this research, it can be concluded that a healthy and balanced diet, along with maintaining the nutritional and sensory properties of food, has aroused great interest in the world population. Several studies with the use of biotechnology have been emerging around the world in order to identify and improve the nutritional and sensory quality of foods. These food technologies are mainly used in nutritional enrichment and disease prevention, aiming at food quality. Plants are genetically modified, aiming to add new properties with benefits to human health and, as a consequence, the food generated from these plants is preserved for a longer time, avoiding losses resulting from the supply system and the effects of seasonality that generate damage to the quality of the products. foods. In conclusion, biotechnology offers immense potential to improve the sensory characteristics of foods and satisfy consumer preferences, and by understanding and effectively applying biotechnological techniques, the food industry can drive innovation, creating products that are more attractive and in line with the demands of the market and, the search for continuous improvement of the sensory characteristics of foods is fundamental to offer satisfactory gastronomic experiences, conquer consumers' loyalty and remain competitive in the food sector in constant evolution.porAcesso AbertoAromaBiotecnologia alimentarCaracterísticas sensoriaisCultura de célulasEngenharia genéticaAromaFood biotechnologySensory featuresCell cultureGenetic engineeringEstratégias biotecnológicas para melhoria das características sensoriais e nutricionais dos alimentosBiotechnological strategies to improve sensory and nutritional characteristics of foodTrabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (TCCG)