2021-12-022021-12-022007-12SANTOS, Alex Mota dos; ROMÃO, Patrícia de Araújo. Estudo multitemporal e alteração na paisagem na região do distrito de Luiz Alves, município de São Miguel do Araguaia-GO, a partir de método indireto, sensoriamento remoto. Geografia, Londrina, v. 16, n. 2, p. 85-112, jul./dez. 2007.0102-3888e- 2447-1747http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20100The article presents a study multitemporal of changes in the landscape in the district of Luiz Alves, municipality of São Miguel do Araguaia, northwestern state of Goias, from the decade of 1960 to 2007. The study was motivated by the indication of the area cited as relevant to the nature conservation at WWF-Brazil and Ministry of Environment. So that the objective were achieved using up indirect methods, images of sensors orbital (LANDSAT and CBERS), and images of sensors subortitais (aerial photographs of the USAF / USA). The images were analyzed in the GIS, from techniques for Geoprocessing. It is understood that the satellite data is not landscape, but the possibility of their representation. Thus it was necessary to integrate data and orbital suborbitais the empirical analysis and bibliographic data. This enabled the recognition of the physical characteristics of the area in question and the whole process migration to the region, which resulted in the amendment of the harmful elements of the landscape. The results showed that the livestock and irrigated agriculture are the main economic activities that alter the landscape of the area of the study. Revealed that State is the main manager of economic activities and that all changes undertake especially the track of wetland, preferential habitat of many species of wildlife. Many of these species are already on the verge of extinction, highlight done to the largest fish scales of freshwater in the world, the Pirarucu, until the decade of 1980 was easily found on this landscape.porAcesso AbertoEstudo multitemporalMultitemporal studyAlteração na paisagemDistrito de Luiz Alves, GoiásChange in the landscapeDistrict of the Luiz Alves, GoiásEstudo multitemporal e alteração na paisagem na região do distrito de Luiz Alves, município de São Miguel do Araguaia-GO, a partir de método indireto, sensoriamento remotoArtigo10.5433/2447-1747.2007v16n2p85