2018-05-162018-05-162007-12MAGALHÃES, Sônia Maria de. Comida de hospital: uma história da alimentação em Goiás. História Revista, Goiânia, v. 12, n. 2, p. 253-275, jul./dez. 2007. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/historia/article/view/5471/4453>.1414-6312http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14973Perhaps amongst ali the aspects of the material culture, the feeding is one of that more the ali domain of the actlvlty meets implidl huma11 being. In this artide I present the informative potential of the "maps of diets of the patients of the Hospital of Charity São Pedro de Alcântara" produced to the long one of century XIX, as important subsidy for the study of the History of the Feeding, field of study in full ascension in Brazil.porAcesso AbertoHistória da alimentaçãoCultura materialDietasGoiásHistory of the feedingMaterial cultureDietsComida de hospital: uma história da alimentação em GoiásArtigo10.5216/hr.v12i2.5471