2020-01-292020-01-292015-12HENNING, Carlos Eduardo. Interseccionalidade e pensamento feminista: as contribuições históricas e os debates contemporâneos acerca do entrelaçamento de marcadores sociais da diferença. Mediações, Londrina, v. 20, n. 2, p. 97-128, jul./dez. 2015.e- 2176-6665http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18588This article presents a brief review of the debates concerning the concept of intersectionality among various approaches of the contemporary feminist thought, the women’s studies and the gender theories. Based on the initial contributions of the “Black Feminisms”, this text aims to propose a panorama of the emergent context of the intersectional debate and its main strands of work in the US and UK. Grounded in a literature review of dozens of recent articles, essays and books published in the US and Europe, this text seeks to offer a “summarization” of some of the major contributions that the intersectional analysis has offered to the feminist thought and the social theory as a whole, as well as to propose the notion of “intersectional agency”. Finally, the text presents some critical considerations regarding certain characteristics that cross the field and that are still generating some important questions.porAcesso AbertoInterseccionalidadeMarcadores sociais da diferençaDesigualdadesAgência interseccionalIntersectionalitySocial markers of differenceInequalitiesIntersectional agencyInterseccionalidade e pensamento feminista: as contribuições históricas e os debates contemporâneos acerca do entrelaçamento de marcadores sociais da diferençaArtigo