2020-02-212020-02-212009-01PINTO, Joana Plaza. Atos de autoria: assinaturas, rasuras, rupturas. Investigações, Recife, v. 22, n. 1, p. 103-110, jan. 2009.e- 2175-294Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18724This essay confronts some ideas about author, with speech act theoretical trouble base. For that, the Austin’s IX Conference (1976) are confronted by Derrida’s Signature Event Context (1990) and this confrontation is related to an implied notion of subject in Barthes’s author (1987) and Benjamin’s narrator (1983).porAcesso AbertoAutorAtos de falaJ. L. AustinJ. DerridaR. BarthesW. BenjaminAuthorSpeech actsAtos de autoria: assinaturas, rasuras, rupturasArtigo