2024-08-072024-08-072016SADDI, Rafael. O Estado de Suspensão na aprendizagem histórica: a força estética do conhecimento histórico na instauração de um momento sublime de consciência histórica. Revista História Hoje, São Paulo, v. 5, n. 9, p. 113-130, 2016. DOI: 10.20949/rhhj.v5i9.247. Disponível em: https://rhhj.anpuh.org/RHHJ/article/view/247. Acesso em: 5 ago. 2024.e- 1806-3993http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/25228This article aims to conceptualize the State of Suspension as a radical moment of historical learning. This is the state established when aesthetic power of knowledge causes, precisely by reaching in some way, the individual core, the suspension of sense attributions previ ously valid. To understand this defini tion and its importance, the article is divided in three stages. The first deals with the influence of didactics of Ger man history and the changes it causes in teachers’ tasks; the second analyzes the importance of the aesthetic elements of historical narrative for the production of historical sense, and the third defines this new concept, State of Suspension, as radical and sublime moment of his torical consciousness.porAcesso AbertoEstéticaDidática da históriaConsciência históricaAestheticsHistory didacticsHistorical consciousnessO Estado de Suspensão na aprendizagem histórica: a força estética do conhecimento histórico na instauração de um momento sublime de consciência históricaThe State of Suspension in the historical learning: aesthetic force of historical knowledge in establishing a sublime moment of historical consciousnessArtigo10.20949/rhhj.v5i9.247