2024-07-092024-07-092019CHAVEIRO, Eguimar Felício; CALAÇA, Manoel; LIMA, Valdivino Borges de. A patologização global da vida e a produção de alimentos: efeitos na sociobiodiversidade do cerrado. Estudos Geográficos, Rio Claro, v. 17, n. esp, p. 78-92, 2019. DOI: 10.5016/estgeo.v17i(ESP).14274. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.rc.biblioteca.unesp.br/index.php/estgeo/article/view/14274. Acesso em: 28 jun. 2024.e- 1678-698Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24762The hegemonic model of globalized economies, based on the imperative need for expansion at any cost -and everywhere -has effected an ontological predation. This predation is produced by the control of the agrifood empires in the production, distributionand negotiation of food, generating a monopoly economy and a deep mercantilization of life and all human components and nature, be it sun, air, genes, soil, water and labor power; knowledge, emotion and even creativity. This leads to large-scale illness. The Goiás Cerrado is an example of this belligerent attack on life. Specifically, the indigenous peoples of the Cerrado are affected by this model. His illness is an effect of this necrophiliac, reductive and violent attitude. The problem of labour consists of the following: how does the sociobiodiversity of the Goiás Cerrado situate itself in the sphere of global pathologization commanded by the agrifood empires? The dialogue with researchers in the field of agrarian geography and geopolitics; fieldwork; guidance at the undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral levels and especially the struggle to build a territorial approach to the Cerrado were the procedures taken to carry out the work.porAcesso AbertoPatologização global da vidaImpérios agroalimentaresSociobiodiversidade do cerrado goianoAbordagem territorialGlobal pathologization of lifeAgro-food empiresSociobiodiversity of the cerrado GoiásTerritorial approachA patologização global da vida e a produção de alimentos: efeitos na sociobiodiversidade do cerradoGlobal patologization of life and food production: effects on cerrado socio-biodiversityArtigo10.5016/estgeo.v17i(ESP).14274