2019-08-222019-08-222019-07-15ALMEIDA, Miguel Leonardo de Araújo. Simulação numérica de queda de corpos rígidos utilizando o método IMERSPEC. 2019. 64 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/17972The present work deals with numerical simulations of the fall of rigid bodies in a vessel containing liquid, in such a way that the principle physics fundamental of sedimentation processes can be studied in detail. Numerical simulations were used using the IMERSPEC methodology, which consists in the coupling of the methods pseudo-spectral of Fourier and Immersed Boundary. Furthermore, the mathematical-numerical model to add the fluid-structure interaction between the physical body and the fluid flow generated by the fall of the body and the interaction between the bodies, from the contact model implemented in the computational code. The simulations are conducted with variation of properties of fluid and body, such as, viscosity and density, in addition, geometry and numerical parameters are changed, such as number of bodies and refinement of meshes and time step. These are made for purposes of validation of the code used in present work. In total, there are 15 simulations are presented, then separated into 8 sections, in order to compare the effect of each input parameter on the results.porAcesso AbertoDinâmica dos fluidos computacionalSedimentaçãoIMERSPECInteração fluidoComputational fluid dynamicSedimentationFluidEstruturaStructure interactionSimulação numérica de queda de corpos rígidos utilizando o método IMERSPECNumercial simulation of fall os rigid body using IMERSPEC methodTCC