2024-07-172024-07-172020SOARES, Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho; SANTOS, Danielle Silva Moreira dos. A intelectualidade telúrica de Ada Curado: uma grande escritora em Goiás no século XX. Dimensões, Vitória, v. 45, p. 284-314, 2020. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufes.br/dimensoes/article/view/32842. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.2179-8869http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24909Women like Ada Curado (1916-1999) have no space either in traditional historiography or in the literary canon, both essentially masculine. However, within the analytical perspectives of the history of gender relations and women, the possibility of understanding the trajectory of this exceptional woman in terms of political engagement and cultural production is revealed. There was a large support network among women writers and intellectuals in Goiás, expanding and encouraging their participation in public spaces. It was precisely in this context that Ada Curado has lived and produced diverse works, criticizing and presenting fundamental political, cultural and social observations, both regional and national. In the list of women intellectual artists who were part of history, Ada Curado, forgotten by history and literature, was a powerful voice in her time.porAcesso AbertoGêneroHistóriaLiteraturaAda CuradoGenderHistoryLiteratureA intelectualidade telúrica de Ada Curado: uma grande escritora em Goiás no século XXArtigo