2021-09-102021-09-10214NICOLINO, Aline da Silva; PARAÍSO, Marlucy Alves. Escolarização da sexualidade no estado de Goiás: o que mostram as dissertações e teses. Educar em Revista, Curitiba, n. 1, p. 171-193, 2014.0104-4060e-1984-0411http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19863This article aims to analyze how PhD theses and Master dissertations present sexual education in the State of Goias. On the one hand, we seek to investigate what insights are embedded in the public schools and, on the other hand, we sought to analyze how sexuality in the school has been shown in the scientific production of the State. In our discussion of those productions, we established as criteria works which had been defended by 2012, and also thought of or realized in the context of State Schools and which dialogued with the theme in vogue. It became evident that sexuality has very much attracted the interest of professionals of the health field and of the education field as well. These specific fields present in their discourses which “knowledge” should be taught and who is considered able to teach that subject at schools, disputing the best ways to teach sexuality.porAcesso AbertoEscolarização da sexualidadeSexuality schoolingSexualidade na escolaA produção sobre sexualidade na escola em GoiásSexuality in the schoolTheoretical productions about sexuality at the schools in the State of GoiásEscolarização da sexualidade no estado de Goiás: o que mostram as dissertações e tesesThe schooling of sexuality in the state of Goias: what PhD theses and Master dissertations showArtigo