2019-01-292019-01-292015-12GENOVESE, Cinthia Leticia de Carvalho Roversi; GENOVESE, Luiz Gonzaga Roversi; CARVALHO, Washington Luiz Pacheco de. Transgênicos, conformismo e consumo: algumas reflexões para o ensino de ciências. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Ciência e Tecnologia, Ponta Grossa, v. 8, n. 4, p. 148-157, set./dez. 2015.e- 1982-873Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16893The objective of this paper is to discuss the controversy over transgenic and the apparent acceptance of Brazilian consumers to these foods, from the perspective of some concepts of Critical Theory Horkheimer and Adorno (1985), as clarification and Cultural Industry. Subsequently, we argue the importance of teacher training, so that they assist students in the pursuit of full citizenship and independent criticism. In this sense, we propose the study of controversial issues such as transgenic, involving science and society in our schools. Such issues are known as socio-scientific issues (SSI).porAcesso AbertoTransgênicosFormação críticaEnsino de ciênciasTransgenicCritical trainingTeaching scienceTransgênicos, conformismo e consumo: algumas reflexões para o ensino de ciênciasTransgenic, conformity and consumption: some reflections for teaching scienceArtigo10.3895/rbect.v8n4.1990