2018-02-202018-02-202012-08BORGES, Maria Eliza; OLIVEIRA, Julliana Rodrigues. Retratos memoriais: nascimento/morte da linhagem familiar burguesa. Fenix: revista de história e estudos culturais, v. 9, n. 2, p. 1-23, 2012.1807-6971http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13711This article addresses some aspects of portraits in funerary monuments installed in perpetual cemeteries in Brazil, from the nineteenth and twentieth century’s, a period that began the custom of decorating the tombs with the bust of the deceased. Gradually pictures in porcelain occupied this representational function in smaller graves.This is a particular type of material that belongs the ornaments funerary construction.The genre of the memorial portrait here is assigned to the iconographic analysis, and is restricted to one type of artistic production:busts and photographs depicting the couple, one symbolic representation of birth and perpetuation of the bourgeois nuclear family. The various poses meet the functions of preserving the memory of deceased, and to satisfy the desires of their descendants eternalize them for the community. One can also identify the costumes of the Brazilian family towards death, through the use of these unique ornaments.porAcesso AbertoRetratos memoriaisCemitérios brasileirosBustosFotografias de porcelanaPortraits memorialsNineteenth and twentieth century’sBustsBrazilian cemeteriesPhotographs in porcelainSéculos XIX e XXRetratos memoriais: nascimento/morte da linhagem familiar burguesaArtigo