2022-05-052022-05-052022-04-13SOUSA, Lays Gonçalves Rodrigues de. O atendimento educacional especializado a pessoas surdas no Centro Especial Elysio Campos- GO: um estudo de caso. 65f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20707This study aimed to understand how the specialized educational service in a school that works with the bilingual educational proposal contributes to the processes of communication and schooling of the person with deafness. This research was carried out with teachers of specialized educational services at the Centro Especial Elysio Campos located at the Associação dos Surdos in the city of Goiânia-Go. Thus, this research is of a qualitative nature and is configured, in terms of the investigation plan, as a case study. As an instrument for data production, we applied a questionnaire. The data obtained were described and analyzed in the light of the assumptions of the authors Vigotski (2007), Freire (1987), Bakhtin (2006) among other collaborators who address the relevance of the act of communicating and expressing their ideas as a primordial need for human beings. The results obtained show that the researched school favors the holistic development of deaf subjects, being in line with what many contemporary researchers who research the schooling process of the deaf advocate, and the specialized educational service offered complements the educational needs of the deaf subject in the context of the bilingual proposal, Furthermore, it is noteworthy that professionals who work in the AEE of the school studied understand that Libras is the first language of the deaf and Portuguese, in the written form, is the second language.porAcesso AbertoEducação do surdoInclusão escolarAtendimento educacional especializadoLibrasBilinguismoDeaf educationSchool inclusionSpecialized educational serviceBrazilian sign languageBilingualismO atendimento educacional especializado a pessoas surdas no Centro Especial Elysio Campos-GO: um estudo de casoSpecialized educational care for deaf people at the Elysio Campos-GO Special Center: a case studyTCC