2021-05-312021-05-312015-12NOGUEIRA, Poliane Vieira Nogueira; BUARQUE, Jamesson. Poesia e escola: compassos e descompassos. Revista Todas as Letras, São Paulo, v. 17, n. 3, p. 60-71, ago./dez. 2015.e- 980-6914http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19537In the context of readers formation in Brazil, the school is responsible for presenting the poetic language to students. However, in an attempt to guarantee a place of value for the poem in class, we realize that school makes its way otherwise, conducting students to understand poetry as sublime, difficult, unnecessary and bearing a feminine character. This study aims to discuss such widespread ideas in teaching by analyzing the teaching materials (usually of Hegelian nature) used by the school nowadays, and to suggest a new opportunity to work with the genre, through creative writing.porAcesso AbertoReadingLeituraPoetic writingSchoolEscolaEscrita poéticaPoesia e escola: compassos e descompassosPoetry and school: matches and mismatchesArtigo