2021-11-242021-11-242021-04SANTOS, Andrea Pereira dos; NASCIMENTO, Vanessa Guimarães. Ação cultural com mídias sociais: análise do Facebook do Sistema Estadual de Bibliotecas Públicas de São Paulo (SisEB). AtoZ: novas práticas em informação e conhecimento, Curitiba, v. 10, n. 1, p. 25-38, jan./abr. 2021.e- 2237-826Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20041Introduction: Considering the scenario of communication from social media, the objective is to verify how libraries have used these media to interact with their audience, having as object of study the official Facebook page of the State System of Public Libraries of São Paulo ( SisEB). The main theoretical contributions used by the research took into account the theme discussed in the article. About cyberculture and social media, based on authors such as Lévy (2010), Lemos (2013) and Recuero (2010) and cultural action based on Coelho (2001), Milanesi (2003) and Barros (2010). Method: The applied methodology included documentary analysis. Along with the documentary analysis of SisEB’s Facebook, content analysis was also carried out, according to Bardin (1977), to verify whether the contents published in this network are related to cultural action. Results: The results point to the first inferences that SisEB publishes more informational content type and dissemination of its activities than the promotion of cultural action itself. Conclusion: Such activities can contribute to the spheres of cultural action, according to Coelho (2001), to become a reality.porAcesso AbertoMídias sociaisBiblioteca públicaCiberculturaAção culturalSocial mediaPublic librariesCybercultureCultural actionAção cultural com mídias sociais: análise do Facebook do Sistema Estadual de Bibliotecas Públicas de São Paulo (SisEB)Cultural action with social media: analysis of the State System of Public Libraries of São Paulo (SisEB) FacebookArtigo10.5380/atoz.v10i1.76615