2022-03-312022-03-312021-11-05VILELA, Paula Moreno. Aspectos sobre deficiência, inclusão e preconceito: reconhecimento dos direitos fundamentais como dignidade. 2021. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20536People with disabilities are still the target of a lot of prejudice, as a consequence of social and materialistic values of contemporary society, values that need to be deconstructed and reinterpreted, which is why the choice of the theme is justified. This work has as general objective, to understand the relationship between prejudice, disability, inclusion from the historical landmarks, observing the whole process involving the adaptation and acceptance of people with disabilities in society. As a methodology, bibliographical research was used, using the deductive methodology, to analyze the prejudice faced by people with disabilities. The bibliographical research resulted in the collection of several articles, some addressing the main theme, about prejudice, disability and inclusion, especially in Brazilian education. Prejudice against people with disabilities is still quite expressive in today's societies, requiring the deconstruction of such values. The fight against the prejudice of people with disabilities in society is arduous, making it necessary for the effective participation of the State and public authorities in order to provide means to raise awareness of the population and social inclusion of people with disabilities, in addition to inspecting and punishing those who do not respect the dictates imposed in relation to this inclusion.porAcesso AbertoPessoas com deficiênciaPreconceitoInclusãoEducaçãoDisabled peoplePrejudiceInclusionEducationAspectos sobre deficiência, inclusão e preconceito: reconhecimento dos direitos fundamentais como dignidadeAspects about disability, inclusion and prejudice: recognition of fundamental rights as dignityTCC