2018-12-212018-12-212015-06SOUSA, Camila Maissune de; MONTEIRO, Rosana Horio. 3x4: fotografia de prisão contemporânea e as representações do corpo encarcerado em duas prisões femininas de Moçambique. Visualidades, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 1, p. 236-257, jan./jun. 2015. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/VISUAL/article/view/34182/19739>.e- 2317-6784http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16615In this article, we discuss the representations of the imprisoned body in contemporary photography, seeking to understand how such representations have dialogued with current prison systems and thus yielded a series of discussions about authority and photography ethics. In dialogue with nineteenthcentury prison visuality and the concept of photographic performativity, and taking as starting point the “3x4” (a photographic project that took place in two Mozambican female prisons), we explore the interpretive possibilities offered by photography regarding the incarcerated body.porAcesso AbertoFotografiaPrisãoCorpoPhotographyPrisonBody3x4: fotografia de prisão contemporânea e as representações do corpo encarcerado em duas prisões femininas de Moçambique3X4: contemporary prison photography and representations of the incarcerated body in two women prisons in MozambiqueArtigo5216/vis.v13i1.34182