2022-06-292022-06-292021-05-25SILVA, Edson Júnior Frota; DIAS, Matheus Henrique. Simulação do desempenho de inversor de frequência para sistema fotovoltaico. 2021. 72 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/20894The benefits of solar energy are numerous, ranging from saving energy bills to reducing environmental impacts since it is a renewable and clean energy source. Therefore, it is clear that solar energy has both a social and an environmental impact. In this sense, the present work aims to study the working principle of a small photovoltaic generating unit connected to the electrical grid. First, a literature review was carried out regarding the main components of a photovoltaic generating unit. A case study was carried out whose objective was to find a solution for the inclusion of a photovoltaic frequency inverter to constitute a system that could be installed in one of the buildings of the School of Electrical, Mechanical, and Computer Engineering (EMC) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Thus, the Laboratory of Materials and Manufacturing Processes (LAMAF) was chosen. Eleven solar modules and one inverter were selected to perform the simulation and a cost estimate for project implementation. Next was a data comparison between the EMC meteorological station and the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). For this procedure, it was necessary to carry out a thorough data treatment to verify if the studied location was suitable for implementing a photovoltaic system and, also, to obtain the ambient temperatures provided by the EMC station. Then, the Radiasol 2 program was used to calculate the irradiance on the inclined plane, and the angle that captured the greatest solar irradiance was also verified. After processing station data from EMC and Radiasol 2, the average power supplied by both the photovoltaic generator and the inverter was calculated. Finally, an estimate was made of the amount of energy generated by the photovoltaic system for the year studied and the time needed to obtain the financial return that was initially invested. It can be verified, through this study, the performance of the frequency inverter is satisfactory and manages to meet the needs of the subsystem that served as an element for the object of study.porAcesso AbertoEnergia solarSistema fotovoltaicoEnergia elétricaRadiaçãoInversor de frequênciaSolar energyPhotovoltaic systemRadiationElectricitySimulação do desempenho de inversor de frequência para sistema fotovoltaicoTCC