2024-03-262024-03-262022-02-23LEITE, Maycon Batista; SOARES, Márlon Herbert Flora Barbosa. Abordagem interdisciplinar nos capítulos de equilíbrio químico e eletroquímica em livros didáticos de Química aprovados pelo PNLD/2008/2012/2015/2018. Revista Virtual de Química, Niterói, v. 14, n. 5, p. 798-813, 2022. DOI: 10.21577/1984-6835.20220034. Disponível em: https://rvq.sbq.org.br/detalhe_artigo.asp?id=1463. Acesso em: 12 mar. 2024.e-1984-6835http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24534From different theoretical perspectives of interdisciplinary approach, we apprehend the one that aims the formation of the subject with critical and political consciousness of social reality. The Didactic Book is the most relevant didactic resource in the teaching chemistry in Brazil and the PNLD (National Textbook Program) presents as its main purpose, to impose a minimum quality standard on Didactic Books offered in publishing Market. We investigated which are the prospects of an interdisciplinary approach that the authors of the Chemistry Didactic Books of PNLD/2008/2012/2015/2018 present in Chemical Equilibrium and Electrochemistry chapters of their respective works. We used Bardin’s content analysis method, which provided us with elements for the constitution of three categories of interdisciplinary analysis. The research pointed out that the Didactic Books are more focused on the approach of conceptual interactions inherent to scientific Knowledge as academic and instrumental interdisciplinarity. One of the main results of this work shows that only one of the ten works analyzed reached interdisciplinarity as an understanding of contexts and issues inherent to social reality. Based on results like these, this research can contribute to the expansion of the understanding of interdisciplinarity and the qualification process of science textbooks, which implies future evaluators committed to the transformative perspective, avoiding the return of works or contents outdated by ignorance of the concept of interdisciplinarity.porAcesso AbertoChemistry teachingInterdisciplinarityChemistry didactic bookPNLDChemical equilibriumElectrochemistryAbordagem interdisciplinar nos capítulos de equilíbrio químico e eletroquímica em livros didáticos de Química aprovados pelo PNLD/2008/2012/2015/2018Interdisciplinary approach in chemical and electrochemical balance chapters in Chemistry teaching books approved by PNLD/2008/2012/2015/2018Artigo10.21577/1984-6835.20220034