2018-05-102018-05-102010-08CAMILO, Celso; STELLE, Diogo; ROZA, Diego R. Aplicando busca tabu e algoritmo genético no corpo de enfermagem de um hospital universitário. Estudos, Goiânia, v. 37, n.7/8, p. 637-658, jul./ago. 2010.e- 1983-781Xhttp://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/14871Abstract: the Nurse Schedulling Problem is an expensive and complex task, causing loss of precious time and attention of an important employee of the hospital, usually chief nurse. Thus, this paper proposes the application of the Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Tabu Search (TS) to resolve the Nurse Schedulling Problem of an University Hospital. The results obtained demonstrated the superiority of TS for solving the problem addressed.porAcesso AbertoAlgoritmo genéticoBusca tabuProgramação de horáriosEnfermagemMetaheurísticaGenetic algorithmsTabu searchTimetablingNurse rosteringNurseMetaheuristics.Aplicando busca tabu e algoritmo genético no corpo de enfermagem de um hospital universitárioGenetic algorithms and tabu search in the the body of a university hospital nursingArtigo