2021-03-252021-03-252020-06-25SILVA, Guilherme Henrique da; RIBEIRO, Jackeline Alves dos Santos. Dificuldades de acesso ao serviço de saúde no Brasil por pessoas com deficiência física, auditiva e visual: uma revisão sistemática. 2020. 36 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19403The description of access to health care by physically, visually or hearing impaired persons favours the elimination of discriminatory barriers, highlighting the necessary measures to overcome them. The objective of this study is to systematically research, identify and analyze the scientific publications available between 2009 and 2019 regarding the main difficulties faced by the person with physical, hearing or visual impairment in Brazil in accessing health services. In addition, it aims to develop actions and policies to minimize these barriers. This is a systematic review of the literature, based on research in electronic databases (LILACS, PubMed and SciELO) and a careful evaluation of studies published in relation to the hypothesis raised. After selection, the final sample consisted of 35 articles, which were characterized and categorized. From the analysis, it was highlighted that the main difficulties faced by these groups for access to health services are characterized largely by architectural, communication, and attitudinal barriers. It was concluded that the access of physically, hearing and visually impaired people in Brazil is hampered by a sum of urban and environmental factors, the lack of preparation of the health professional and health services, as well as by prejudice.porAcesso AbertoPessoa com deficiênciaDeficiência auditivaDeficiência físicaDeficiência visualEquidadePeople with disabilitiesHearing impairmentsPhysical impairmentsVisual impairmentsEquityDificuldades de acesso ao serviço de saúde no Brasil por pessoas com deficiência física, auditiva e visual: uma revisão sistemáticaDifficulties of access to health service in Brazil by people with physical, hearing and visual disabilities: a systematic reviewTCC