2023-07-202023-07-202023-02-24MARTINS, Juan Fábio Soares; ARAÚJO, Marcos Paulo de Carvalho. Modelagem e estudo das funções de proteção exigidas para conexão de geração distribuída à rede elétrica, utilizando o Alternative Transient Program. 2023. 23 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/23064This work presents the implementation of a library of protection function models, essentials for the connection of distributed generation systems to the electrical network. The protection functions required by the PRODIST Module 3 - Connection to the Electrical Distribution System and additional functions necessary for connection with the Equatorial Energia concessionaire were implemented in the ATPDraw software, according to NT 021 – Connection of Distributed Small Generation to the Distribution System. Protection functions against overcurrent (ANSI 50/51), overcurrent with voltage restraint (ANSI 51V), neutral overcurrent (ANSI 50/51N), current imbalance (ANSI 46), directional overcurrent (ANSI 67), under/overvoltage (ANSI 27/59), neutral overvoltage (ANSI 59N), voltage imbalance (47), under and overfrequency (ANSI 81 O/U), active power directional (ANSI 32P), vector surge (ANSI 78), and frequency rate of change (ROCOF) are covered. The Directional Reactive Power (ANSI 32Q) function was also studied as a protection against unintentional islanding of the distributed generator, verifying the detection capability for systems with inductive and non-unity power factor loads, being an effective complement to the other islanding functions. To evaluate the performance of the protection system, the distribution network was modeled, including the synchronous generator, and faults were applied, such as internal and external short circuits, imbalances, load rejections and islanding.porAcesso AbertoGeração distribuídaProteçãoPRODISTATPDrawDistributed generationProtectionModelagem e estudo das funções de proteção exigidas para conexão de geração distribuída à rede elétrica, utilizando o Alternative Transient ProgramTCC