2018-02-262018-02-262013-08CAMPOS, Patrick Francino; RIBEIRO, Pedro Henrique Pinto; PEDROZO, Marcelo Augusto; SOARES, Rogério Augusto Bremm; ALVES JÚNIOR, José; EVANGELISTA, Adão Wagner Pêgo. Efeito de diferentes lâminas de reposição hídrica e cobertura do solo com palha na produtividade da cana-de-açúcar. Global Science and Technology, Rio Verde, v. 6, n. 2, p. 55-65, maio/ago. 2013.1984-3801http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13782An experiment was conducted in a sugarcane mechanical harvest field in Jalles Machado S.A. Sugar Mill in Pirenópolis – GO, Brazil. The soil was a Yellow Red Latossol, and the sugarcane crop (3 th harvest) was grown from July 1998 to May 1999. It was evaluated the effect of soil cover with straw on yield and quality sugarcane using the SP79-1011 culti- var with different levels of dry season irrigation (sprouting irrigation of 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mm). The design was randomized block with a bifactorial (5 x 2) and 3 blocks. The improve- ment of irrigation level combined with soil covering with straw from mechanical harvest re- sulted in a significant increase on yield, sugar increase, and stem height.porAcesso AbertoSaccharum officinarumColheita mecanizadaCarretel enroladorCobertura de soloSaccharum officinarumMechanical harvestBig gun sprinklersSoil coverEfeito de diferentes lâminas de reposição hídrica e cobertura do solo com palha na produtividade da cana-de-açúcarEffect of different blades replacement water and soil cover with straw in productivity of cane sugarArtigo