2020-09-232020-09-232010-12FRANCO, Edgar. Stelarc: arte, tecnologia, estética e ética. Educação & Linguagem, São Paulo, v. 13, n. 22, p. 98-115, 2010.1415-9902e- 2176-1043http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19075The article briefly describes the cyberarts and the posthuman as to go on dealing specifically with the controversial artistic work of Stelarc, an artist who takes the medium aphorism “the human body has become obsolete” as basis for his poetics. With basis on this proposition, the article describes and analyzes one of his latest works, known as “The Extra Ear”, as a means to underline some of the ethic pondering that the creation of this work of aesthetic rupture makes rise. In order to conclude, it also displays the similarities between Stelarc’s prospective poetics and the known case of the paraplegic athlete Oscar Pistorius, who claimed formally for the right to run together with nonhandicapped athletes in the Olympic Games.porAcesso AbertoArte tecnologíaÉticaCiberartePoshumanoStelarc: arte, tecnologia, estética e éticaArtigo10.15603/2176-1043/el.v13n22p98-115