2020-10-232020-10-232007-12BRAGA FILHO, Juracy Rocha et al. Danos causados por insetos em frutos e sementes de araticum (Annona crassiflora Mart, 1841) no Cerrado de Goiás. Bioscience Journal, Uberlândia, v. 23, n. 4, p. 21-28, out./dez. 2007.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19186This work had the objective of identifying an evaluating the damages caused by insects and their alimentary behavior in fruits and seeds of araticum. The work was conducted in two phases: phase A, in the city of Goiânia, in 23 plants in production; phase B, in thirteen cities (fourteen areas), areas of natural occurrence of the araticum, in the state of Goias. In de A phase, all fruits were collected, while in the B phase only the ones injured by insects. It was evaluated individually for damages in the fruits and the seeds and mass. To evaluate damages caused by Bephratelloides pomorum, Cerconota anonella and Spermologus funereus the fruits were opened and the seeds were cleaned, counted and then evaluated for these insect damages. To evaluate damages caused by the other insects each fruit was kept isolate in a polypropylene box contend humid sand. Later, the adults insects were collected and identified. The percentages of seeds damaged by B. pomorum, C. anonella and S. funereus, were, respectivalely: 69,06%, 26,08% , 0,36% in the ex situ collection of the EA/UFG and 14,29%, 29,63% e 55,77% in the fruits collected in thirteen cities of natural occurrence of the araticum. Lydamis variagatus was registered for the first time damaging fruits and seeds of araticum. The Neosilba spp was registered in the ex situ and in other nine studied areas.porAcesso AbertoAraticumSementeBephratelloides pomorumSeedSpermologus funereusCerconota anonellaDanos causados por insetos em frutos e sementes de araticum (Annona crassiflora Mart, 1841) no Cerrado de GoiásInsect damage on araticum fruit seeds (Annona crassiflora MART., 1841) in the Cerrados of Goias stateArtigo1981-3163