2018-03-072018-03-072015SANTOS, Marivone Moreira dos; COSTA, Rommel Bernardes da; CUNHA, Patrícia Pinheiro; SELEGUINI, Alexsander. Tecnologias para produção de mudas de rosa do deserto. Multi Science Journal, Urutaí, v. 1, n. 3, p. 79-82, 2015.2359-6902http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13890The desert rose (Adenium obesum Balf.) Isa herbaceous, succulent plant family Apocynaceae, is the center of origin South Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Morphological features a thickening of the neck and root system, adaptation is connected to the storage of water and nutrients, which ensures their survival in arid locations. In Brazil, the recently pink-the-desert has been demanded by growers and landscapers due to its high ornamental value, however, there is no technical and agronomic information that could support a commercial production system. In this sense, to assess the influence of temperature, humidity on germination, seedling vigor and substrates in the development of seedlings in pots. Tests were conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse. We assessed germination rate, germination speed index (GSI), seedling vigor and substrates for seedling development. There was no significant interaction between the two factors (temperature x humidity). The temperature 25°C, germination was more efficient, providing higher germination rate (85%) and higher GSI (3.55). Germination was not influenced by increased humidity, though the IVG and vigor of seedlings evaluated increased significantly. Substrates that best contributed to the development of the seedlings were related to treatment 3 (50% sand + 25% + 25% commercial soil substrate + fertilizer) and 6 (50% virgen forest soil + 50% commercial substrate + fertilizer).porAcesso AbertoApocynaceauSubstratoVigor de plântulasApocynaceaeSeedlingVigorSubstrateTecnologias para produção de mudas de rosa do deserto (Adenium obesum)Technologies for production of seedlings of desert rose (Adenium obesum)Artigo