2021-08-122021-08-122007-12YOKOZAWA, Solange Fiuza Cardoso. Cronista da eternidade. UNILETRAS, Ponta Grossa, v. 29, n. 1, p. 33-49, 2007.0101-8698e- 1983-3431http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19748It is examined how Mario Quintana assimilates and develops some of the main force lines of the modernism. Picking o them with originality, he takes ahead the movement in local scenery and becomes his poetry one of the biggest sul-rio-grandenses contributions to the inheritance of the modern brazilian poetry.porAcesso AbertoQuintanaCotidianoPoema em prosaModernismoQuintanaModernismEverydayProse poetryCronista da eternidadeArtigo10.5212/uniletras.v29i1.171