2019-01-252019-01-252012-06MOURA, Manoel Oriosvaldo de; CEDRO, Wellington Lima. Possibilidades metodológicas na pesquisa em educação matemática: o experimento didático. Educativa, Goiânia, v. 15, n. 1, p. 25-38, jan./jun. 2012.e- 1983-7771http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/16842This article presents one of the possible methodological ways for the investigation that has as main research center the process of education and learning in the mathematical classroom: the teaching experiment. Starting off as a report of an investigation on the teaching of algebra for children of primary level, we will define and characterize this methodological proposal. In addition, we will discuss the main contributions and the difficulties that appear in a developed research activity on the theoretical bases of the teaching experiment.porAcesso AbertoExperimento didáticoPesquisa na sala de aulaMetodologias de pesquisaEnsino de álgebraAtividades de ensinoTeaching experimentClassroom researchResearch methodologiesTeaching algebraTeaching activitiesPossibilidades metodológicas na pesquisa em educação matemática: o experimento didáticoMathematics education: the teaching experimentArtigo10.18224/educ.v15i1.2439