2019-08-262019-08-262015-06CORREIA, Adriano. Ação, revelação e subjetividade: Arendt e Nietzsche. Sofia, Vitória, v. 4, n. 1, p. 84-94, jan./jun. 2015.1676-417Xe- 2317-2339http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18009In The human condition (1958), Hannah Arendt argues that the constitution of the subjectivity of an individual is closely linked to action, and to its predicaments. With remarkable harmony this position relates to her appropriation of Nietzsche in the last section of the chapter on action in this work. In this paper we will underline, notwithstanding, that such relationship have close connection with his studies on Nietzsche’s moral in the early 1950s, as may be seen in his Journals of thought (Denktagebuch)porAcesso AbertoAçãoRevelaçãoPromessaSubjetividadeActionRevelationPromiseSubjectivityAção, revelação e subjetividade: Arendt e NietzscheAction, revelation and subjectivity: Arendt and NietzscheArtigo