2017-12-082017-12-082007-12SOUZA, Ruth Catarina C. R. de; MAGALHÃES, Solange Martins Oliveira; GUIMARÃES, Valter Soares. A produção sobre o professor no Centro-Oeste - um estudo interinstitucional. Intermeio, Campo Grande, v. 13, n. 26, p. 48-65, jul./dez. 2007.1413-0963http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13139his work is the result of research on Academic production on the teacher: an inter-institutional study in the Center- West Region [Brazil]. The investigation involves Post-Graduate programs in education in the Center-West Region: University of Brasilia [UnB], Federal University of Goias [UFG], Federal University of Mato Grosso [UFMT], Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul [UFMS], Federal university of Uberlandia [UFU] and the University of Uberaba [UNIUBE] within the research group PACOP [Academic Production on Professors in the Center-West]. The objects of the study were the dissertations and theses defended in the referred programs during the years 1999-2005, dealing with the theme of teachers. Stress was laid on the cooperative nature of the investigation that permitted the aggregation of researchers of various disciplines and of various contexts of the Center-West region, in an effort to overcome the fragmentation of academic production and reflect on the question of teachers through the articulation of regional, national and international realities. Activities already realized included selection of material, complete reading of the works, cataloguing and analysis of dissertations under the following aspects: theme, theoretical framework, methodology, conceptions of education and of he teacher. Results initially indicated characteristics specially related to the region.porAcesso AbertoPesquisa interinstitucionalFormação de professoresProfessorProdução acadêmicaInter-institutional researchTeacher trainingTeacherAcademic productionA produção sobre o professor no Centro-Oeste - um estudo interinstitucionalThe production on the teacher in the Center-West: an inter- institutional studyArtigo