2024-01-302024-01-302023-08-14LIBÓRIO, João Pedro Neri. A inspeção técnica veicular e seu impacto no comércio de veículos usados. 2023. 61 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Escola de Engenharia Elétrica, Mecânica e de Computação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br//handle/ri/24229The present work aims to present the Vehicle Technical Inspection (ITV) alongwith all its technical standards regarding vehicle safety and emission of gases, anddemonstrate how the lack of standardization and regulation by the State leads to aprecarious aging of the Brazilian vehicle fleet, resulting in incalculable damagesdirectly and indirectly to the population. According to the Federal Highway Police, asignificant portion of vehicular accidents occurring in the country today are caused bymechanical defects and lack of maintenance. This explanation illustrates how thistype of accident ends up burdening the Brazilian public healthcare system throughhospitalizations and medical procedures. Additionally, the project also aims toanalyze how the ITV can impact the trade and maintenance of used vehicles in thecountry, highlighting the lack of reliability perceived by a considerable portion of thepopulation, including dealers, intermediaries, mechanical workshops, and the finalcustomer, regarding second-hand automobiles, as it is notorious that a large numberof vehicles with numerous mechanical and structural defects are licensed and solddaily. Lastly, it also seeks to understand and compare how the ITV is practiced inother developed countries, including its standards and obligations, as well as itsperiodic implementation at workstations, in order to explore possible new solutionsand improvements for Brazilian regulations and standards, by adapting successfulexperiences from other global contexts.porAcesso AbertoInspeção técnica veicularSegurança veicularVeículosNormalizaçãoDefeitosManutençãoSistema de saúdeComércioVehicle technical inspectionVehicle safetyVehicleStandardizationDefectsMaintenanceHealthcare systemTradeA inspeção técnica veicular e seu impacto no comércio de veículos usadosTrabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (TCCG)