2018-01-082018-01-082013GONÇALVES, Ana Teresa Marques; FRANCHI, Ana Paula. Os Panegíricos latinos e o conceito de imperium: repensando os poderes dos imperadores romanos (sécs. III e IV d.C.). História e Cultura, Franca, v. 2, n. 3, p. 199-215, 2013.2238-6270http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13368In this paper, we propose an analysis of the powers exercised by the Roman Emperors between the late third century to the early fourth A.D., from redimensioning the concept of imperium and differentiation between legitimate emperors and usurpers, as these are described in Latin Panegyrics.porAcesso AbertoImperadorUsurpadorPoderImpérioRomanosEmperorUsurperPowerEmpireRomansPanegíricos latinos e o conceito de imperium: repensando os poderes dos imperadores romanos (sécs. III e IV d.C.)Latin Panegyrics and the concept of imperium: rethinking the powers of roman emperors (third and fourth-centuries a.D.)Artigo10.18223/hiscult.v2i3.1105