2019-09-052019-09-052004GIR, Elucir; CANINI, Silvia R. M. S.; PRADO, Marinésia A.; CARVALHO, Milton J.; DUARTE, Geraldo; REIS, Renata Karina. A feminilização da AIDS: conhecimento de mulheres soropositivas sobre a transmissão e prevenção do HIV-1. DST: jornal brasileiro de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 16, n. 3, p. 73-76, 2004.0103-0465http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18083Introduction: FALTA Objective: to identify aspects related to ways of transmitting and preventing the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and reported by HIV seropositive women. Method: Data were collected by means of recorded semi-structured interviews, which were guided by a specific form. Result: most participants mentioned they did not know about HIV transmission and prevention modes before finding out about the infection diagnosis. It is highlighted that 62% mentioned they did not know about the HIV transmission mechanisms, while 68% did not know about prevention measures. Among the possible ways of transmitting this virus, most women considered that vaginal and/or anal intercourse with condom is sufficient to prevent HIV transmission, and 12% of them did not consider oral sex a transmission way. Conclusion: it was concluded that, nowadays, there are still female HIV-1 patients with unsafe sexual behavior who continue underestimating the infection. There is an urgent need for multiprofessional actions, not only with a view to information on HIV prevention and transmission, but also to elaborate a health education program that allows for discussions and the implementation of actions able to give these women an active role in this process.porAcesso AbertoHIVSíndrome da imunodeficiência adquiridaMulheres soropositivasConhecimentoAcquired immunodeficiency syndromSeropositive womenKnowledgeFeminização da AIDS: conhecimento de mulheres soropositivas sobre a transmissão e prevenção do HIV -1The femininization of AIDS: Knowledge of seropositive women about HIV-1 transmission and preventionArtigo