2020-09-112020-09-112019-12-20SARMENTO, Ana Karla dos Passos. Parque urbano da orla da Praia da Costa. 2019. 66 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19031This monograph shows the impasses and dichotomy that the large coastal cities of Brazil suffer, due to the problems caused by real estate speculation on the coast, using the shores as an element of economic investment, causing a dysfunction in the implementation of large vertical massifs by the sea, with analysis and focus on the object of study of the shore shore and its surrounding area. This mass verticalization was possible through the construction of the Bridge Darcy Castello de Mendonça, better known as Terceira Ponte, which connects the capital Vitória with the Municipality of Vila Velha, that boosted the occupation of the territory of the Praia da Costa neighborhood and neighboring neighborhoods. The edge of the Beach of the Costa, located in the Municipality of Vila Velha - ES, hold a completely thickened and consolidated area close to the coastal strip, this conformation brings to the space as a whole a dysfunction in the issue of mobility, since it is mostly automobiles, resulting in lack of space and infrastructure on the edge for the use of people. The theoretical revisions discussed in this paper, include the main authors that address human relations with the city, bringing concepts such as the humanization of spaces and the relationship of image and belonging that each individual and collective make up in the urban environment, fundamental to the dynamization and vitality of cities. The edge of Praia da Costa along with the neighborhood of the same name, presents deficiencies in the appropriation of public spaces, which are few and precarious, as the very edge of the beach. The case studies presented in this monograph clarify the problems found by means of the diagnoses presented in the course of the study. It is concluded that it is possible for a large city to understand quality public spaces, conforming human and social aspects and optimizing the behavioral relations of users in the city.porAcesso AbertoHumanizaçãoImagem da cidadeDinamizaçãoPraia da CostaParque urbano da orla da Praia da CostaPraia da Costa waterfront urban parkTCC