2014-10-172014-10-172011SILVA, Angélica Ferreira da. Publicidade em blog: um estudo sobre os anúncios do blog petiscos e a percepção das leitoras. 2011. 66 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Publicidade e Propaganda) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/4155This monograph has as purpose to analyze how the readers of the blog Petiscos behave with the advertisements published in that. The internet is a media which is in expansion in the entire world and many brands saw at the blogs the opportunity of announce their products, so it became also a point of contact between the brands and the consumers. It was chosen, then, the blog Petiscos, for the analysis, through in-deep interviews, with readers of the city of Goiânia, to know how is their relation with the brands announced at the blog, and so, became possible to detect the effectiveness of the advertisements published at the blog. The research reveals informations about the ways more visible of the announces at the blog Petiscos, as well the least observed, and from the speech of the interviews, it‟s possible to know what they think about the announces. Based on that, it was presented the forms which had most attention and generated more reminder of the brand.porAcesso abertoPublicidadeBlogInternetConsumoConsumptionAdvertisingPublicidade em blog: um estudo sobre os anúncios do blog petiscos e a percepção das leitorasMonografia