2017-04-042017-04-041999-06STEFANI, Mariana Martins de Araújo; ALVARES JR., João Teixeira; PEREIRA, Gisner Alves de Souza; VIEIRA, Regina Beatriz Bevilacqua. Aids pediátrica: avanços na prevenção e diagnóstico. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 28, n. 1, p. 26-40, jan./jun. 1999. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/17131/10325>.0301-0406http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/11703Pediatric AIDS is one of the most challenging diseases, involving medicai, lamily, social and economic aspects. Heterosexual transmission represents an increasing route of HIV-1 dissemination leading to increased numbers of infcctcd women of child-bearing age and perinatally HIV-1 infected children. Matcrnal's clinicai, immunologic and virological status, obstetrical factors, breastfeeding and mother-to-child HLA-1 concordance have been shown to bc associated with perinatal HIV-1 transmission. Oncc infected by HIV-1, children may evolve rapidly to AIDS usually during the first year of Hfe, differently from adults, who may remain symptom-free for several years. Early identification of HIV-1 infection in infant is fundamental for the prompt introduction of antiretroviral therapy and prophylactic regimens for opportunistic infections. Serial serological tests, virai culture, p24 detection and HIV-1 genomic amplification have been employed for the diagnosis of perinatal HIV-1 infection. In order to minimize potencial interfercnces of maternal IgG antibodies which can persist for up to 24 months, detection of virus spccific IgE and IgA antibodies are currently under study, buí their cxact value hás riot bccn dcfincd. HIV-1 culturc is labonous, expensive, timeconsuming and requires maximun biosafety leveis. The detection of p24 antigen is less sensitive than HIV-1 culture, even after imunecomplcx dissociation, therefore HIV-1 diagnosis should not be based on p24 antigen detection alone. The Polimerase Chain Reaction (PCR) hás been demonstrated to be a specific, sensitive and reliable technique for the identification of HIV-1, promoting rapid virai genome amplification and detection. The assessment of specificity and sensitivity of HIV-1 PCR for pediatric infections hás been hampered by the absence of a "gold standard" technique. Paradoxically, it is the absence of such a "gold standard" that makes PCR the most promising and atíractive technique for early definitive diagnosis of perinatally HIV-1 infected infants.porAcesso AbertoHIVDiagnóstico sorológico e molecular do HIV-1. AIDS pediátrica. Transmissão vertical. PCRAIDS pediátricaTransmissão verticalPCRSerological and molecular diagnosis of H1V-1 infectionPediatric AIDSVertical transmissionAIDS pediátrica: avanços na prevenção e diagnósticoPediatric AIDS: advances in the prevcntion and diagnosisArtigo