2020-09-292020-09-292013-12SANT'’ANNA, Thiago F. Os abolicionismos na cidade de goiás: pluralidades e singularidades nos anos 1880. Élisée: revista de Geografia da UEG, Anápolis, v. 2, n. 2, p. 92-107, 2013.2316-4360http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19108This article aims to give visibility to the specific and pluradidades of abolitionism in the city of Goiás in the nineteenth century through their experiences. Politicians, republicans, liberals, conservatives, freemasons, poets, women and slaves helped to build experience in abolitionist Goiás. Far from being a practice restricted to the parliamentary debates, the abolitionism were involved in social experiences. It is worth noting the presence of emancipatory Goiana Society, the newspaper “A Tribuna Livre” and “O Publicador Goyano”, of women and slaves, which marked the abolitionism activities in the City of Goiás.porAcesso AbertoHistóriaGoiásAbolicionismoHistoryAbolicionismGoiasOs abolicionismos na cidade de Goiás: pluralidades e singularidades nos anos 1880Abolitionist in goias: plurality and singularity in the years of 1880Artigo