2022-09-212022-09-212019-12-30NEVES, Vanusa Nogueira; SILVA, Renata de Lima. Andança kalunga: relato de experiência de uma catadora/contadora de Histórias. Arte da Cena, Goiânia, v. 5, n. 2, jul./dez. 2019. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/artce/article/view/57815. Acesso em: 21 set. 2022.2358-6060http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/21413The text is an experience report of a scavenger / storyteller in the northeast region of Goiás, where is the Kalunga Historical and Cultural Heritage Site with communities distributed in three Goiás municipalities: Cavalcante, Monte Alegre de Goiás and Teresina de Goiás. From the meeting with Kalunga women from the communities of Engenho II, Riachão and Vão de Almas, comes the enchantment for their personal narratives. The Kalunga walk is the device of the Masters research in Cultural Performances on the narratives and performances of Kalunga women, specifically the Riachão Community, in the municipality of Monte Alegre de Goiás. From the enchantment to the awareness that these narratives relate to performance of these women in their communities, the Master's project in Cultural Performances was structured, aiming to investigate the art of storytelling from the experiences of quilombola women, observing in this process their social strategies in the construction of ways of life and identity to from your memories. And the goal was reached through the lived field. Field experience is understood, analyzed and described from the point of view of a sensitive experience, permeated by affects and enchantments, which do not ignore the adversities experienced by the Kalunga people in their history of struggle and resistance. Vanusa Nogueira, with the character Glorinha Fulustreka, goes on telling, picking and (re) inventing stories as a way to allow herself to hear, see and understand, from the perspective of performance studies, the poetics of otherness, expressed in kalunga culture and identifications. There are several voices participating in this study. The field experience is analyzed here from the perspective of the “lived field”, as discussed by researchers from NUPICC (Collective Scenic Research and Research Nucleus 22), where being in the field is to experience it from the point of view of aesthetic experience, sensitive knowledge and affections, which can be recognized in enchantment and adversity as a creative impulse for poetnography (SILVA & LIMA, 2014), which mean dramaturgies in dance, theater and storytelling, engaged with the poetics of otherness and knowledge. popular.porAcesso AbertoMulher kalungaPerformanceContação de históriasCampo vividoKalunga womanPerformanceStorytellingCountryside livedAndança kalunga: relato de experiência de uma catadora/contadora de históriasKalunga wander: experience report of a collector/storytellerArtigohttps://doi.org/10.5216/ac.v5i2.57815