2021-09-242021-09-242021-06-09CONCEIÇÃO, Liliane Taveira. Educação, pobreza e desigualdades socioespaciais: um estudo bibliográfico. 2021.41 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19913This piece of work is a theoretical bibliographic study that aims towards to think about social contradictions and investigate how socio-spatial inequalities and poverty interfere and constitute education. It is a research with a qualitative approach that it gets starts from the contributions of the following authors: Miranda (2020) and Resende and Miranda (2016) to discuss about equity, equality and class conflicts; Saviani (2011) to understand the concept of education; Arroyo (2015) to establish the concept of poverty and Ribeiro and Vóvio (2017) to reflect on socio-spatial aspects and issues related to territory and education. In the first chapter, the problems faced by education through poverty and inequalities are discussed, making an analysis of the historical and political processes and the relations of different class within society, as well as the concepts of poverty and the different types of inequalities. In the second chapter, discussions regarding education and how it is permeated by socio-spatial issues are addressed. It is well noticed that the territory produces educational inequalities and that students from peripheral regions are affected by the characteristics of the space/place where they live, exposing residential segregation impacts on access to social opportunities. In this way, some practices in the school environment can reinforce poverty and contribute to the reproduction of social inequalities. For future studies, it is evident the need to deepen public educational policies in an attempt to elucidate how the State has looked at vulnerable territories.porAcesso AbertoEducaçãoDesigualdadeDesigualdade socioespacialPobrezaEducação, pobreza e desigualdades socioespaciais: um estudo bibliográficoEducation, poverty and socio-spatial inequalities: a bibliographic studyTCC