2019-09-052019-09-052006PALOS, Marinésia A. Prado; CANINI, Silvia R. M. S.; GIR, Elucir; MELO, Lílian L.; MATA, Daniela H.; SANTANA, Raide M. T.; SOUZA, Lorena R.; SOUZA, Adenícia C. S. Acidentes com material biológico ocorridos com profissionais de laboratórios de análises clínicas. DST: jornal brasileiro de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 4, p. 231-234, 2006.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/18082Introduction: the risk of exposure to biological material in clinical analysis laboratories is high, due to the constant manipulation of organic fluids and blood. Objective: identify the frequency and main causes of occupational accidents with biological material among professionals that work in clinical analysis laboratories. Methods: this descriptive study was conducted in clinical analysis laboratories at two teaching hospitals in Goiânia/GO, Brazil. Results: considering 81 professionals interviewed, 9 (11,1%) had not been vaccinated against hepatitis B; 45 (55,5%) referred accident with biological material; being 36 (80%) exposed to percutaneous injuries and 9 (20%) to mouth and ocular mucosa splashes; 22 (48,9%) subjects did not notify any accidents, and one worker was infected by the hepatitis B virus after the accident. The main causes attributed to accident occurrence included inadequate or lack of personal protective equipment, work overload, self confidence and insufficient piercing and cutting material collectors. Conclusion: the high prevalence of accidents, allied to insufficient notification, can cause serious damage to professionals and institutions. This deserves urgent efforts to implement an accident prevention and health promotion program.porAcesso AbertoPessoal de laboratórioAcidentes de trabalhoHepatite BLaboratory personnelOccupational accidentsHepatitis BAcidentes com material biológico ocorridos com profissionais de laboratórios de análises clínicasAccidents with biological material involving clinical analysis laboratoryArtigoe- 2177-8264