2023-03-102023-03-102023-03-03SANTOS, Tiago Cardoso dos. Mapeamento do ensino para atuação em biblioteconomia de dados nas graduações brasileiras da região centro oeste: uma análise curricular. 2022. 76 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Biblioteconomia) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22097The research aims to investigate, through a mapping of the Pedagogical Projects of the Library Science courses offered by the Federal Universities in the Central-West region of Brazil and in the Teaching Plans of the institution’s disciplines, the formative aspects that contribute to the professional performance as a data librarian. The specific objectives are to conceptualize and describe the data librarian, its origin, functions, and object of work in the e-Science scenario through a literature review; Map in the Pedagogical Projects of the courses the disciplines that contribute to the formative competence of a data librarian; Identify, in the Teaching Plans of the disciplines, based on the terms previously raised in the methodology, the most evident subjects that contribute to the formative competence of a data librarian; Identify the most evident thematic axes for the formative competence of a data librarian; identify the most evident axes of the disciplines with a direct relation to the data librarian's training. The theoretical foundation presents various facets about the librarian's performance in the context of e-Science, as a manager of scientific research data and repositories. The research is of a basic nature. As for the objectives, it is descriptive and, for the procedures, it is bibliographical and documentary. Bibliographic research guided the construction of a general framework of competencies for the data librarian used as a reference for analysis. In documentary research, the Pedagogical Projects of the courses and the teaching plans were used. The investigated institutions were: Federal University of Rondonópolis, Federal University of Goiás, and University of Brasília. The research shows that the institutions have contributed to the formation of data librarians. The concentration of themes is located in the program content of the disciplines, and the evident axes are information organization and treatment and technology. Overall, the research results were achieved, and it is hoped that it will contribute to the development of future research.porAcesso AbertoBibliotecário de dadosCurso de BiblioteconomiaEScienceAnálise em universidades federaisDados de pesquisaData librarianLibrary science courseE-ScienceAnalysis in Brazilian federal universitiesResearch dataMapeamento do ensino para atuação em biblioteconomia de dados nas graduações brasileiras da região centro oeste: uma análise curricularMapping of teaching for data librarianship in Brazilian undergraduate programs in the Midwest region: a curriculum analysisTCC