2023-07-042023-07-042023-02-27TEODORO, Isadora Marques. A velhice de Luamanda no espelho: possibilidades de identificação no envelhecer da mulher negra no Brasil. 2023. 44 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Psicologia) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/22930In the perspective of Freudian theory of narcissism and ideal instances, I investigate the identification process during the aging of black women in Brazil. For this, I analyze the works of Conceição Evaristo in order to understand this aging in the character Luamanda. We investigated how the aging of black women is implicated in narcissism and ideal instances. Old age, by itself, is on the margins of narcissistic investment. When linked to elements of race and social class, this marginalization is more evident and generates suffering. Evaristo's narratives indicate possibilities for building identities and narratives of resistanceporAcesso AbertoEnvelhecimentoNarcisismoPsicanáliseConceição EvaristoMulher NegraAgingNarcissismPsychoanalysisConceicao EvaristoBlack womanA velhice de Luamanda no espelho: possibilidades de identificação no envelhecer da mulher negra no BrasilLuamanda's old age in the mirror: possibilities of identification in the aging of black women in BrazilTCC