2017-12-072017-12-072014-09SILVA, Régis Henrique dos Reis. Contribuições da pedagogia histórico-crítica para a educação especial brasileira. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, v. 14, n. 58, p. 78-89, set. 2014.1676-2584http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/13091This article discusses briefly the contributions of historical-critical pedagogy to the area of special education in Brazil and also demonstrates that the defense of knowledge socialization through of the school, to all people, including the disabled, is in line with the struggle class in a historical-philosophical and socio-political. To do so, first we will deal of the challenges of special education in contemporary Brazil. In the wakewe will discuss, from some of notes about the historical-critical pedagogy and cultural-historical psychology, his contributions to special education. Finally, we regain, from the above, the syntheses and articulations necessary to demonstrate that the defense of knowledge socialization through school to all people, including the disabled, is part of the class struggle, particularly that takes place in the educational context.porAcesso AbertoEducação especialPsicologia histórico- culturalPedagogia histórico-críticaSpecial educationHistorical and critical pedagogyCultural-historical psychologyContribuições da pedagogia histórico-crítica para a educação especial brasileiraContributions from the historical and critical pedagogy for special education brazilianArtigo10.20396/rho.v14i58.8640380