2018-05-232018-05-232011-12ROBERTO, Rafael; TEIXEIRA, João Marcelo; LIMA, João Paulo; SILVA, Manoela Milena Oliveira da; ALBUQUERQUE, Eduardo; ALVES, Daniel; TEICHRIEB, Veronica; KELNER, Judith. Jogos educacionais baseados em realidade aumentada e interfaces tangíveis. Tendências e Técnicas em Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, Porto Alegre, v. 2, n. 1, p. 91-128, jan./dez. 2011.e- 2177-6776http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/15061This tutorial aims to present the basic concepts of augmented reality, tangible user interfaces and educational games so that their integration can improve the experience of students in the classroom. For this, this tutorial shows how educational games influence on the children learning, especially for those up to eight years, and how it is possible to use augmented reality to create tangible user interfaces. By the end of this course is also shown the main steps in developing a tool involving all subjects cited above, thus sharpening the creativity and critical sense of the audience so that it can also create their own applicationsporAcesso AbertoJogos educacionais baseados em realidade aumentada e interfaces tangíveisArtigo