2023-09-052023-09-052023-08-11FERREIRA, Marcela Cordeiro dos Santos. Estudo sobre a formação de monitoras(es) do Projeto de extensão “Yoga com a comunidade” e construção de site para apoio aos processos formativos. 2003. 57 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Educação Física) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/23565This monograph presents the development of a website for the training of future monitors of the extension project 'Yoga with the Community' at the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance of the Federal University of Goiás. The study aimed to produce, systematize, and share a body of knowledge about yoga in the form of a website to support the training of monitors. To support the creation of this product, the research also sought to understand the processes of monitor training over the project's 10-year existence. For this purpose, data was collected and analyzed through two forms structured by the author and sent to 14 out of the 17 monitors who were part of the project from 2012 to 2022. The results highlighted the importance of meetings, study materials, lesson planning, personal practice, video lessons, and partial teaching experience in the training process. As a contribution to the formative process of future monitors in yoga extension projects, a website was created as the final product of this work. The website was designed with the aim of serving as a foundation for initial training. The website contains pages with information about the project and yoga, video lessons, GIFs illustrating breathing techniques, relaxation and asanas (yoga postures), instructions on creating a lesson plan, a section about the creators of the material, monitors and coordinators who participated in the project, a photo gallery, a library with a collection of works related to the project, and a section to download the digital training material. The website is not confined to the initial training of monitors for the Yoga with the Community Project at FEFD - UFG; it has the potential to explore new horizons or serve as inspiration for other projects.porAcesso AbertoPráticas corporais integrativasExtensão universitáriaYogaFormação de professoresIntegrative body practicesUniversity extensionYogaTeacher trainingEstudo sobre a formação de monitoras(es) do Projeto de extensão “Yoga com a comunidade” e construção de site para apoio aos processos formativosStudy on the training of monitors for the 'Yoga with the community' extension Project and construction of a website to support the training processesTCC