2021-04-082021-04-082020-12-17SÁ, Jhonatan Souza. Uma análise do eSocial sob a óptica das organizações contábeis do Estado de Goiás. 2021. 23 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Ciências Econômicas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/handle/ri/19414The eSocial, one of Sped's subprograms, aims to streamline and unify, through digital means, the declarations of labor relations. This study aims to analyze the implementation and operationalization of eSocial in the view of accounting professionals in the state of Goiás. This is a descriptive research, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, in which data were collected through a survey, with the application of a closed questionnaire of 14 questions, allowing participation in an open questionnaire, sent to accounting professionals through the union of the category in Goiás. 28 respondents were obtained for the closed questionnaire and 2 for the open questionnaire. The main conclusions are that the majority of accounting professionals in Goiás faced difficulties with eSocial and that these may be due to low participation in training courses, the need to modify the clients' internal processes and insufficient government support. It was also agreed that the professionals consider the support of their payroll software to be essential and have a good perspective for future benefits after the total implementation of eSocial, but they consider its simplification necessary.porAcesso AbertoeSocialImplantaçãoDepartamento pessoalContabilidadeSpedUma análise do eSocial sob a óptica das organizações contábeis do Estado de GoiásAn analysis of eSocial from the perspective of the accounting organizations of the State of GoiásTCC